Famous Quotes From Alice in Wonderland

Saturday 19 June 2021

Removing hair in your nose could be detrimental to your health

BY: By Hadiza Nuhhu-Billa Quansah
Using pointed scissors in such manner must be avoided
Using pointed scissors in such manner must be avoided

Nose hair is a natural part of the human body.

Although it is normal to have hair in the nose, some people find long hair that protrude from the nostrils a source of embarrassment which they wish to remove.

According to a Medical Doctor at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Dr Emmanuel Addipa-Adapoe, having long or thick nose hair is not always a bad thing.

“Nose hair serves an important purpose. It catches dust and debris in the air that would otherwise have become trapped in your upper nasal passage. Mucus in your nose lubricates your nose hair. Since the hair is typically lubricated, it also attracts and traps pathogens to keep you from getting sick, so why do you want to get rid of it?” he asked.

In an interview with The Mirror on some bad health practices in the midst of COVID-19, Dr Addipa-Addapoe said it was very common to see people, especially men, using small scissors to cut the hair in their noses because they saw it as a nuisance.

“Some people don’t like the way that long nose hair looks because of the association with ageing. Long nose hair may make you feel like you look older than you are. You may also feel like your long nose hair collects dried mucus and other debris, making hygiene a difficult,” he said.


Wednesday 24 February 2021

LGBTQI: Be careful! If you like marry animals but leave us out - Joe Biden cautioned

Charles Owusu has commended Adwoa Safo for comments made on the legalization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Intersex Rights (LGBTQI).

The Minister-designate for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Sarah Adwoa Sarfo during her vetting in Parliament said:

“Mr Chair, the issue of LGBT is an issue that when mentioned, it creates some controversy but what I want to say is that our laws are clear on such practice. It makes it criminal. Section 104 of the Criminal Code prohibits one from having

Fight against LGBTQI is not of the Lord's - Prof. Yaw Gyampo

Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for European Studies at the University of Ghana, Ransford Edward Van Gyampo says Ghana's fight against LGBTQI is not of the Lord's.

According to him, the “ordinary people” will themselves fight homosexuals without the involvement of God.

In a post on Facebook sighted by Ghanaguardian.com, Prof. Yaw Gyampo described homosexuality as “animalistic” which will not be supported by the masses.

The comments come after one Alex Dordah queried Prof. Gyampo who is critical of issues of national interest, to openly come out and condemn LGBTQI and their activities in the country.

“So Prof you wouldn't speak against the lgbt? You are too loud in your silence why,” he questioned the UG professor under the comment section of one of his recent posts on Facebook.

In a courteous response, Mr. Gyampo wrote, “Hahahaha.....Ah but who will support excuse me to say “trumu trumu?” Any attempt to make it fester would be crushed by ordinary people. We won’t even allow God to fight this. It is simply animalistic and no one will support it.”

At the moment, there is a nationwide conversation about people practising homosexuality in Ghana.

The allege establishment of an LGBTQI office in the country is what triggered the conversations. While some are calling on the President to immediately hanker down on the said office and their operations, others say, just like every other individual, gays and lesbians are also entitled to the fundamental human rights of this country.

Thursday 10 December 2020

Designing vaccines for people, not profits

 Recent announcements of demonstrated efficacy in COVID-19 vaccine trials have brought hope that a return to normality is in sight. The preliminary data for Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna’s novel mRNA vaccines are highly encouraging, suggesting that their approval for emergency use is forthcoming.

And more recent news of effectiveness (albeit at a slightly lower rate) in a vaccine from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford has fueled optimism that even more breakthroughs are on their way.

In theory, the arrival of a safe and effective vaccine would represent the beginning of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. In reality, we are not even at the end of the beginning of delivering what is needed: a “people’s vaccine” that is equitably distributed and made freely available to all who need it.

To be sure, the work to create vaccines in a matter of months deserves praise. Humanity has made a monumental technological leap forward. But the springboard was decades of massive public investment in research and development.

Most of the leading vaccine candidates prime the immune system’s defenses against the viral “spike protein,” an approach made possible through years of research at the US National Institutes of Health. More immediately, BioNTech has received $445 million from the German government, and Moderna has received $1 million from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and more than $1 billion from the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority and the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine has received more than £1 billion ($1.3 billion) of public funding.

But for technological advances to translate into Health for All, innovations that are created collectively should be governed in the public interest, not for private profit. This is especially true when it comes to developing, manufacturing, and distributing a vaccine in the context of a pandemic.

No country acting alone can resolve this crisis. That is why we need vaccines that are universally and freely available. And yet, the current innovation system prioritizes the interests of high-income countries over those of everyone else, and profits over public health.

The first step toward a people’s vaccine is to ensure full transparency of the clinical-trial results, which would enable independent and timely assessments of safety and efficacy. The publication of scanty, preliminary data through corporate press releases is meant for financial markets, not the public-health community. This practice sets a bad precedent. While pharmaceutical share prices surge, health professionals and the public are left second-guessing the reported results. As more details about the flaws in clinical trial design and implementation for the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine emerge, so do the calls for open science and immediate sharing of protocols and results.

In addition, critical questions about the leading vaccine candidates remain unanswered. Responding to political and economic pressure in high-income countries, pharmaceutical companies are rushing their vaccine candidates across the finish line. Accordingly, they have designed their phase-three clinical trials to deliver the quickest possible positive read-out, rather than addressing more relevant questions such as whether the vaccine prevents infection or just protects against the disease. It also is unclear how long the protection will last; whether a given vaccine works equally well in young and old people, or in people with co-morbidities; and how the top candidates compare to one another (critical for designing effective vaccination strategies).

Moreover, national interests – especially those of developed countries – remain the dominant factor in vaccine rollout. While the international purchase and distribution platform COVAX represents a momentous step forward, its impact is being offset by massive bilateral advance-purchase agreements by rich countries that can afford to bet on multiple vaccines. For example, high-income countries have already bought close to 80% of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccine doses that will be available within the first year.

All told, rich countries have laid claim to 3.8 billion doses from different vaccine makers, compared to 3.2 billion (which includes around 700 million doses for COVAX) for the rest of the world combined. In other words, high-income countries have pre-ordered enough doses to cover their populations several times over, leaving the rest of the world with potentially too few to cover even their most at-risk communities.

At the same time, because the vaccine race is focused primarily on Western markets, some candidates are scarcely viable outside of a developed-country context. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine must be kept at -70ÂșC, which is colder than an Antarctic winter. Distributing this vaccine will create costly and complex logistical challenges, especially for low- and middle-income countries. Although other candidates – such as the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine – are stable at higher temperatures, it is notable that such glaring features of market discrimination are built into the first product to reach the approval stage.

Beyond national interest lurks the problem of even narrower private interests, which stem from an over-financialized biopharmaceutical innovation model. The business model for future vaccine development is already being sized up now that the pandemic has revealed the potential windfall for investors. But while they benefit from sky-rocketing stock prices, soaring capital gains, and dumping a company’s shares the same day it announces promising preliminary results in a clinical trial, delivering a people’s vaccine has become an afterthought.

The COVID-19 crisis is a perfect test of whether a more public-health-oriented approach to innovation and production will prevail in the years ahead. While Pfizer is sticking with the model of maximizing shareholder value, AstraZeneca has at least pledged not to profit from its vaccine “during the pandemic.” Yet, despite all the public investment that underwrote these innovations, the process will remain opaque, leaving one to wonder if AstraZeneca is actually ready to prioritize public health over profit and offer its vaccine at cost.

While the recent vaccine news has brought hope, it also has exposed the pharmaceutical industry’s broken business model, casting doubt on the prospects of delivering a people’s vaccine and achieving Health for All. Business as usual may allow us to scrape by in this crisis. But there is a better way to do things. Before the next pandemic arrives, we must recognize vaccines as global health commons, and start to reorient the innovation system toward symbiotic public-private partnerships governed in the public interest.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Wenchi Constituency ambulance involved in accident

The Wenchi Constituency ambulance, under the One Constituency One Ambulance initiative by the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives, has been grounded following a road crash in

20 Nigeriens arrested in Ghana amid coronavirus fears

Ghana is finalizing processes to repatriate 20 Nigeriens who were arrested by the country’s immigration officers at Juaso in the Asante Akim South District of the Ashanti Region.

They include eight females, 11 males and a toddler.

The foreign nationals have been screened by health officials in the Ashanti Region as concerns over the deadly Coronavirus pandemic grow in the

Friday 6 March 2020

Karela United 0-1 Asante Kotoko - Porcupines win on Independence day

William Opoku Mensah's first-half strike helped Asante Kotoko earn a slender 1-0 victory over Karela United in the Ghana Premier League on Independence Day.

The Porcupine Warriors claimed all three points at the Akoon Park in Tarkwa to go